How much can you really tell about someone just by their handshake? Maybe it's not the ingredient to finding bad guys and solving crime, but this is your only chance to give your first impression. Let me tell you guys, THIS IS A BIG MOMENT (cue Rocky music)! Being a female: men (and some women), please don't crush my fingers... I know you're strong and tough. That being said, if your handshake feels like i'm shaking a raw chicken breast- you're out. There is a science to a good handshake and I truly believe that everyone should learn it, love it, live it.
However believe it our not there's something WORSE then a bad handshake, there is a new epidemic taking over our country and I just DO NOT APPROVE! It is called the "elbow bump," also referred to as the "hippy handshake" and once I even heard it called "bow-shakin'," and it is out of control! It's when instead of shaking someone's hands, to prevent passing germs you gently bump elbows... I know right? It's freakin' weird!
After a little research I learned that this began in doctors offices after everyone peed their pants over the Swine Flu. Gems = gross. Solution? Hand sanitizer! Next time someone tries to elbow bump me I'm probably going to pull some WWE stunt and boot you right out the door. Bump Bye!
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